Vulpo One

The Turing Option

For the smallest instant the image on the screen stilled, the lips did not move. This was the first indication that Mura was actually speaking in Japanese, his words swiftly translated into English — while the movement of his face and lips were simulated by the computer to match the words.

—Harry Harrison, Marvin Minsky. The Turing Option. 1992


Athena is a patron goddess of IT

Athena is a patron goddess of IT

  • A patron goddess of knowledge
  • A weaver. Looms were first programmable devices
  • She turned Arachna into a spider, Arachna then built the World Wide Web
  • A militant and a virgin, she has to be the patron of comment sections
  • She invented ships. Shippers, rejoice!
  • A patron of agriculture. What about your Facebook farms?
  • A daughter of Zeus, and PCs work from electricity. Is it a coincidence?
  • She invented the Trojan Horse

If your PC acts strangely, make a sacrifice to Athena


Jobs T__T

Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs

Steven Paul “Steve” Jobs
(February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011)

Rest in peace. Mac is cool, iPhone sucks. Thanks for Pixar


Chrome: No Choice for Russia

bool FirstRun::SearchEngineSelectorDisallowed() {
    // For now, the only case in which the search engine dialog should never be
    // shown is if the locale is Russia.
    std::string locale = g_browser_process->GetApplicationLocale();
    return (locale == "ru");

In Soviet Russia, web browser sets search engine for YOU!
