Apparently the remaster of the original Mass Effect trilogy is soon upon us.
So I want to publish some ‘source data’ for my Commander, Selene C. Shepard just to immortalize her a bit.
Mass Effect
Mass Effect 3
Name: Selene Shepard Biography: ruthless spacer Class: vanguard Alignment: neutral, slightly more paragon than renegade
Her canon: (Important things about her biography)
Kaidan and Wrex die on Virmire
Wrex’s stubbornness and death lead to a general distrust for Krogans
Rachni Queen is saved
Balak is turned to the Alliance
One teammate is lost in the suicide mission (probably Jacob; Jack in my first playthrough)
For some sense of loss like in ME1
Collector base is destroyed
Genophage is sabotaged, Mordin is saved
Red or blue ending, never green or ‘do nothing’
Things that should be promoted to canon but they contradict some of my playthoughs:
Udina named councillor
To save Anderson from the job he doesn’t want
and, frankly, Udina is not that asshole he seems on the first playthrough (except ME3)
Jacob dies
Quarians are saved, Geth are destroyed
Red ending with survival
Table 1. Face codes
Version 1 (2012): 541.BFE.HL8.F7H.BMK.IBD.FGI.6HD.87C.FE7.667.424
Version 2 (2020): 541.BFE.HL8.F7H.BMK.IBD.FG7.6CD.87C.FE7.667.324
Version 2 alternative (2020): 541.BFE.HL8.F7H.BMK.IBD.FG7.6CD.87C.FE9.267.324
Alternative of version 2 was created for the last replay of ME3 to show some changes due to civilian life.
Almost a year ago I scrapped my WordPress and started moving my blog to Pelican, and now it’s finally ready.
Blog has been transferred and a new template has been developed,
Tumblr inspired, UIkit powered, hand crafted, with dark mode using prefers-color-scheme: dark.
Right for the next Christmas.